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Being able to engage with technology has become increasingly significant in a world in which technological advances occur rapidly.

We now use technology as a means of communication as well as using it as a tool for negotiating the world, making purchases, and finding information.

Our students are surrounded by technology both at home and at school. In order for them to develop confidence and independence, it is vital that our young people are taught how to engage with technology, and the Internet, skilfully and safely.

At Windmill Hill, students are given access to a range of technologies, and taught how to use them in meaningful, real-life contexts. Additionally, we ensure that students are taught Internet safety. Please look at the Internet Safety section on our school website for more information and resources around Internet safety.


The computing curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of students in different pathways as follows:-


Pathway 1 & 2

Students in Pathways 1&2 learn how to use technology to support their independence.  This is taught through modelling and routines both in the classroom and the community.  Internet Safety is taught as technology is used and also through PSHE and So Safe lessons & routines.


Pathway 3 & 4

Computing is a timetabled lesson for all students in Pathways 3 & 4.  The Computing curriculum for students in Pathways 3&4 covers all elements of computing including Computing systems, networks, data & information, creating media, design & development, algorithms, programming and safety & security.